As parents, educators, and medical professionals, we worry about students who are slow to grasp concepts.
They are discontented. They lose focus. They fidget. They disrupt others. They fall behind.
We spend extra time with them. We connect them with tutors. We have them meet with counselors or therapists. We care about them deeply and try everything we can to help them overcome their obstacles – unfortunately, often to no avail.
When you have hit a wall trying to discover the solutions to struggling students’ obstacles, we provide insights that quickly eliminate common misconceptions and illuminate core issues and their solutions.
As the premier doctor-led solution provider in Utah to these hurdles, ACHIEVE Learning Sciences is on a mission to eradicate addressable learning challenges for Utah students by the year 2035.
A lofty goal? Yes.
Achievable? With your help, absolutely!
If this mission resonates with you, please select from the options below to discover how you can help:
Parents, you are tuned in to your children’s needs more than anyone else. When they are struggling, no one feels the weight of concern more than you. Now that you are aware that there is a solution to reading and learning hurdles that have gone largely unaddressed, please join us in sharing this message with your children’s schools, other parents, and community leaders.

Teachers, in concert with parents, are uniquely positioned to be life-changing agents for struggling students. As you witness difficulties with reading, short attention spans, disruption in the classroom, and students’ frustrations with learning, teachers and parents can discuss the benefit of having affected students assessed. This low-cost, highly informative discovery session routinely uncovers previously undetected core issues behind students’ learning challenges.
Administrators and Counselors
We are here to support you! Trying to help struggling students is emotionally draining and time-consuming. Invite us to come to your school – free of charge – to inform your entire faculty and staff on how to identify students whose learning experiences and lives may be enhanced by addressing deep vision-related issues that go beyond sight. This brief, eye-opening, in-person message can alleviate frustration for teachers, students, and parents in just 30 minutes.

Medical and Mental Health Professionals
Our interactions with other doctors and mental health professionals in this mission are a two-way street.
Vision therapy is not the answer for every struggling student. Sometimes their needs require medical attention, therapy, or other services outside our scope. To effectively meet our ambitious goal of eradicating addressable learning challenges for Utah students by the year 2035, we need to be aligned with visionary, accomplished professionals like you.
On the other side of that two-way street, we are ready to be invited onto your team to round out your efforts in helping students succeed. At no cost to you, your practice now has Utah’s premier comprehensive vision practice as an ally in providing your patients with the services that complement your expertise.
When you’re ready to discuss this mutually beneficial relationship and increase your profile in the student success space, simply invite us to have an exploratory conversation with you. We appreciate
Civic Leaders
Civic leaders, imagine being able to claim the highest levels of student success for your community, city, county, or state! Not just for the accolades, but for what that means for the future strength, economic prosperity, and overall success of the people you serve. It is within your power to help make this massive leap forward for nothing more than your deciding to engage in this mission of eradicating addressable learning challenges for the families of your constituents. We do all the heavy lifting.

Business Owners
Business owners, you may be asking what you can do. You are key to the success of this bold initiative! There are many students who can benefit from vision therapy whose families cannot afford these services. ACHIEVE Learning Sciences has a scholarship fund to help these families. Your donation makes a life-long difference in the lives of these deserving students. You can also support community education through your local schools with your donation. When you’re ready to consider supporting this cause, just invite us to have a conversation with you. No pressure. We only work with sponsors when we both see a mutual fit.